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Today we are here at Al-Walaja village. Where this tree is located, Al-Walaja, is targeted. I mean, you saw how the wall is, the settlement. Of course, I need support for this tree, but there is nobody. I’m alone. I mean, didn’t you see all this restoration? It’s me who does this. [Visitors] like to donate for the tree, you see? They like to help. I mean, they look after it, too. And it needs somebody who can support it. It needs that they become an ambassador, to [spread] a message that this tree exists in Palestine, perennial. Of course, every time they talk about it, people visit it, people start to come to it. So when a lot of people come, there will be an income [and] there will be support.

Sometimes I make food here for people, and sometimes I sell oil from the tree, or honey. This tree needs service. I mean, it needs a big budget to preserve it. When people come, they can support morally [or] financially, anything to protect this heritage. Every human loves nature; every human loves the land and trees, all over the world. So of course, it’s a must. All the money they donate, I use it for the tree. I have a dream for the tree. I want to make [it] an international heritage. Of course, everything depends on the money, but I’m working every day, step by step. There is a possibility there will still be better things. And of course, you know, as I told you, what you give the tree, it gives you. – Salah

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