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Now, in Bolivia, there is a Ministry of Decolonisation. They themselves don’t understand, much less do the people understand, what it really is to decolonise. To remove the ‘chip’ from memory, everything they brought – in this case, the Spanish or the Incas – to impose a single culture, a single thought; to ‘implant’ a culture, a way of thinking, a way of being. We are in a globalised world, [but] it is pluricultural in Bolivia. I believe in Palestine there are also different cultures, different customs. As I said at the beginning, didn’t I, heritage is always the identity of a country, of a people that it conserves.

The changes that time and technology bring cannot erase overnight what existed before. It is good to be structured, schematic, so that all authorities on duty are concerned to keep alive the identity, the culture, the heritage. [But] on the other hand, we cannot reject technology, the changes that happen in time. Technology brings good things. The world is instantly everywhere, an exchange of knowledge. It would also be good to use these means. We cannot be on the sidelines, at the margins of globalisation. Whether we want to or not, we have to be there. Thank you for allowing us to arrive ‘live and direct’ to Palestine, although not physically. – Padre Efrain

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